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What is?

  • With this pattern, we define a subscription to notify multiple objects about the events of the object they're observing.
  • The object notifying about the changes is called publisher and the interested objects are called subscribers.

What this pattern solve?

  • To notify an update to others, we need to use this pattern to make an observer who will send the updates to specific objects interesteds in this feedback.
  • Without that, we could waste resources sending notifications to the wrong objects, or wasting time making the interested object checking the interested object.


  • Make an array field for storing a list of references to Subscribers.
  • Create methods which allow add and remove the subscribers from the list.
  • Create a method in Publisher to notify the Subscribers
  • Create a method in the subscriber interface to update

When to use

  • When a change in a object require a change in another object
  • When some objects needs to observe others in specific cases

Example (Typescript)

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* The Subject interface declares a set of methods for managing subscribers.
interface Subject {
// Attach an observer to the subject.
attach(observer: Observer): void;

// Detach an observer from the subject.
detach(observer: Observer): void;

// Notify all observers about an event.
notify(): void;

* The Subject owns some important state and notifies observers when the state
* changes.
class ConcreteSubject implements Subject {
* @type {number} For the sake of simplicity, the Subject's state, essential
* to all subscribers, is stored in this variable.
public state!: number;

* @type {Observer[]} List of subscribers. In real life, the list of
* subscribers can be stored more comprehensively (categorized by event
* type, etc.).
private observers: Observer[] = [];

* The subscription management methods.
public attach(observer: Observer): void {
const isExist = this.observers.some((obs) => obs === observer);
if (isExist) {
return console.log('Subject: Observer has been attached already.');

console.log('Subject: Attached an observer.');

public detach(observer: Observer): void {
const observerIndex = this.observers.indexOf(observer);
if (observerIndex === -1) {
return console.log('Subject: Nonexistent observer.');

this.observers.splice(observerIndex, 1);
console.log('Subject: Detached an observer.');

* Trigger an update in each subscriber.
public notify(): void {
console.log('Subject: Notifying observers...');
for (const observer of this.observers) {

* Usually, the subscription logic is only a fraction of what a Subject can
* really do. Subjects commonly hold some important business logic, that
* triggers a notification method whenever something important is about to
* happen (or after it).
public someBusinessLogic(): void {
console.log('\nSubject: I\'m doing something important.');
this.state = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10 + 1));

console.log(`Subject: My state has just changed to: ${this.state}`);

* The Observer interface declares the update method, used by subjects.
interface Observer {
// Receive update from subject.
update(subject: Subject): void;

* Concrete Observers react to the updates issued by the Subject they had been
* attached to.
class ConcreteObserverA implements Observer {
public update(subject: Subject): void {
if (subject instanceof ConcreteSubject && subject.state < 3) {
console.log('ConcreteObserverA: Reacted to the event.');

class ConcreteObserverB implements Observer {
public update(subject: Subject): void {
if (subject instanceof ConcreteSubject && (subject.state === 0 || subject.state >= 2)) {
console.log('ConcreteObserverB: Reacted to the event.');

* The client code.

const subject = new ConcreteSubject();

const observer1 = new ConcreteObserverA();

const observer2 = new ConcreteObserverB();


