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📚️ Pilhas (Stack) - Listas

  • The last element to enter, is the first to leave.
  • LIFO (Last In, First Out).
  • Stack Overflow: Push in a full list.
  • Stack Underflow: Pop in a empty list.

Stack Example

🤔 Examples of uses

  • Browser history
  • Backspace (poping the last keyinput)
  • Undo functions (insert a value and delete the last inserted value), like CTRL + Z
  • RL example: A stack of books.

Stack static

  • The size is fixed.
  • Try to insert a new element in a full stack throws an overflow exception.

Stack dynamic

  • The size is not fixed and, consequently, has not the overflow problem.
  • Each element has a pointer, pointing out to the next element of the stack.

Stack Example