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πŸ”— Lists

  • The elements must have a logic and fisic order between them.
  • Each element is called Node and we use as a array.
  • Linked list

Exemplo lista

πŸ€” Examples of uses​

  • Can be implemented to make linked Stacks and Queues
  • Browser history (previous and next page)
  • RL example: Image viewer, music player.

Insertion Sort​

  • Receive a element and reorganize other elements to keep the new element.
  • Best case is when all the elements are organized -> O(n)
  • Worst case is when the elements are unorganized -> O(nΛ†2)

Allocation no sequencial and static​

  • Use a array
  • Elements have a logic order to storage
  • Don’t need to move other values
  • Each elements points to the next value

Allocation no sequencial and dynamic​

  • Chained allocation
  • Order by logic order
  • Each node have the data and the next value (by pointer)
  • Indicates the first element and follow the next property
  • Last value is None
  • Don’t need to move other elements

Exemplo lista