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🌐 Graphs

  • Abstract data type, made by a even V, E, with V being Vertices and E being Edges
  • Could be Directed or Digraph when Edges has directions
  • Could be No directed with no directions
  • Edges can have weight
  • Order: Number of vertices

Graphs Example

🤔 Examples of uses

  • Social media (like Facebook)
  • Maps
  • Web pages
  • Subway

Graphs directed

  • Connection output -> Adjacents
  • If has connections, the elements connected are called neighbors
  • Grade of a vertice it's the number of edges leaving the vertex + number of edges that arrive at the vertex (adjacents vertices)
  • It's strongly connected if each edge can be reachable from any other

Graphs not directed

  • Symmetrical
  • Grade of a vertice it's the number of edges that affect him (adjacents vertices)
  • Is connected if each pair of vertices is connected by a path.

Adjacency list

  • Stack of linked lists with all the adjacents vertices.
  • Disadvantage: to know if a Edge (u, v) exists, we need to make a search in the list of adjacents.

Adjacency List to Graphs

Adjacency matrix

  • Best to small graphs
  • Use a matrix format, with a V x V dimension (Vertice x Vertice)
  • 1: adjacency with the value
  • 0: no adjacency with the value

Adjacency List to Graphs


Depth-First Search - Stack

  • Similar to pre-order search in trees
  1. Visit a adjacent node not visited and push him on the stack.
  2. If has not adjacents not visited, pop the value
  3. If Rule 1 and Rule 2 is not the case, the search is finished.

Depth Search

Breadth-First Search - Queue

  1. Visit a adjacent not visited, mark and push on the queue.
  2. If has not a adjacent node, dequeue
  3. If Rule 1 and Rule 2 is not the case, the search is finished.

Breadth Searc